A Q. about re

Ivan Van Laningham ivanlan at home.com
Thu May 25 09:40:49 EDT 2000

Hi All--
Wayne wrote:
> Hello,
> This not quite about re, but what I'm trying to do with re.
> I have a module name MyForm.py,  which consist of TROFF sysntax and some
> names that I want to replace using re. Like so-
> myForm = r """ then the
>                       sysntax for
>                       troff goes here
>                       name1  name2 """
>                                                   ^
> I have another module that  builds a GUI interface
> that user can enter some information and imports MyForm.
> I then would like to take the information that the user keyed
> in and use this information to replace the values name1 and name2
> in the troff form using re.
> Now the Question - I'm getting a SyntaxError at the point of the carret.
> Could somebody tell me why. Don't I have a string being assign to a
> variable?

Yes, you do, except that the syntax is:

	myForm = r"""stuff
	more stuff"""

Note the lack of a space between the r and the ".

Once you've done that, however, consider using the dictionary style of
parameter substitution rather than rolling your own with re:


myForm=r""" then the
                       sysntax for
                       troff goes here
                       %(name1)s  %(name2)s """ % (adict)

myForm should then look like this:

""" then the
                       sysntax for
                       troff goes here
                       whatever  something """

Your parameters inside the string will be replaced with appropriate
values from the dictionary; if %(name1) appears 50 times, it will be
replaced 50 times.

Ivan Van Laningham
Axent Technologies, Inc.
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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