Win32 Registry Access
Tom Vrankar
no at
Sat May 13 00:27:55 EDT 2000
In article <yrir9b7cgzz.fsf at>,
gregb at says...
>Short of writing a module in C, is there an easy way of accessing the
>registry from within Python. I only really need read access, but I'm
>just kind of interested to know.
>Strangely, I couldn't find the answer to this in "Python Programming
>on Win32", and no amount of poking around has given me any insight
>as to how to do it.
>Registryless-ly yours,
> Greg Baker
Attached is a script I've recently written to queue Palm OS database files for
installation at the next HotSync. It makes several references to the win32
extensions you can download from Look for win32all: there's
not much documentation, but this example _plus_ the help files may be get you
where you need to go.
BTW: I hear that python1.6 will have some sort of registry access as part of
the standard distribution. (Wonder if it'll provide some sort of transparent
support on Unix platforms?)
Tom Vrankar
twv at
Rhode Island, USA
#@(#)heuristic to prepare files for installation at the next HotSync 20000507
import sys, os, string, re
import time, shutil, struct
import win32api, win32con
class PalmInstall:
# this always runs quietly, even if it can't figure everything out
def __init__ (self, user =None):
self.initialized =0
self.palmroot =win32con.HKEY_USERS
flag =0
# try to anticipate company name change in registry
for i in ["U.S. Robotics", "Palm Computing", "Palm", "Palm Inc."]:
# obtain the path to the Palm desktop installation
self.palmcomm =".DEFAULT\\Software\\%s\\Pilot Desktop\\" %i
self.palmcore =self.palmcomm +"Core" # Path
key =win32api.RegOpenKeyEx (self.palmroot, self.palmcore,
0, win32con.KEY_READ)
self.path =win32api.RegQueryValueEx (key, "Path")[0]
win32api.RegCloseKey (key)
flag =1
if not flag: return
# prepare a key paths for processing below
self.palmpref =self.palmcomm +"Preferences" # LastUserName
self.palmsync =self.palmcomm +"HotSync Manager" # Install[0-9]+
# find Palm username of the last desktop user; this becomes the default
if user:
self.user =user
key =win32api.RegOpenKeyEx (self.palmroot, self.palmpref,
0, win32con.KEY_READ)
self.user =win32api.RegQueryValueEx (key, "LastUserName")[0]
win32api.RegCloseKey (key)
# really extract the secret install code from users.dat
# and set the user's install directory path
self.setuser (self.user)
# mark this instance initialized, and therefore useable
self.initialized =1
def setuser (self, user):
# extract secret install code from name of permanent key in standard apps
# old way that was barely okay
# flag =0
# for kp in [self.palmmemo, self.palmaddr, self.palmdate, self.palmtodo]:
# key =win32api.RegOpenKeyEx (self.palmroot, kp, 0, win32con.KEY_READ)
# for i in range (64):
# try:
# name =win32api.RegEnumValue (key, i)[0]
# self.code =re.sub ("([0-9]+)_..portOrder", "\\1", name)
# if self.code !=name:
# flag =1
# break
# except:
# break
# win32api.RegCloseKey (key)
# if flag: break
# if not flag: return
# really extract the secret install code from users.dat
f =open (os.path.join (self.path, "users.dat"), "rb")
raise ValueError, "Desktop not initialized: %s" %self.path
pos =13
for i in range (struct.unpack ("<H", usersdat[:2])[0]): # count
code, userlen =struct.unpack ("<H2xB", usersdat[pos:pos +5])
pos =pos +5
thisuser, dirlen =struct.unpack ("%dsB" %userlen,
usersdat[pos:pos +userlen +1])
pos =pos +userlen +1
userdir, flag =struct.unpack ("%dsB" %dirlen,
usersdat[pos:pos +dirlen +1])
pos =pos +dirlen +1
pos =pos +(flag and 42 or 10) # if flag is nonzero, next user record
# starts 42 bytes later; else next user record starts 10
# bytes later
pos =pos +2 # skip first two (0x01, 0x80) bytes of subsequent records
if thisuser ==user:
if thisuser !=user:
raise KeyError, "User not in desktop: %s" %user
self.user =user
self.code =code
self.userdir =userdir
# search all HotMgr subkeys for the default user's Install directory
# name, and form the path to this directory
key =win32api.RegOpenKeyEx (self.palmroot, self.palmsync,
0, win32con.KEY_READ)
for i in range (64):
subkey =win32api.RegEnumKey (key, i)
key1 =win32api.RegOpenKeyEx (self.palmroot,
self.palmsync +"\\" +subkey,
0, win32con.KEY_READ)
name =win32api.RegQueryValueEx (key1, "Name")[0]
if name =="Install":
self.idir =os.path.join (self.path, self.userdir,
win32api.RegQueryValueEx (key1, "Directory")[0])
win32api.RegCloseKey (key1)
win32api.RegCloseKey (key1)
win32api.RegCloseKey (key)
win32api.RegCloseKey (key)
def install (self, path):
if (path[-4:] !=".pdb") and (path[-4:] !=".pqa") and (path[-4:] !=".prc"):
raise ValueError, "File type is not Palm: %s" %os.path.basename (path)
shutil.copy2 (path, self.idir)
key =win32api.RegOpenKeyEx (self.palmroot, self.palmsync,
0, win32con.KEY_WRITE)
win32api.RegSetValueEx (key, "Install%d" %self.code, 0,
win32con.REG_DWORD, 1)
win32api.RegCloseKey (key)
# test code
if __name__ =="__main__":
pi =PalmInstall()
print pi.user
print pi.code
print pi.idir
pi.setuser ("Blorg") # whoever you are
print pi.user
print pi.code
print pi.idir
pi.install ("csm0177u.prc") # whatever file you have
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