"non-essential difficulty" - case enforcing?

Eric Hagemann ehagemann at home.com
Wed May 31 21:04:03 EDT 2000

If I had my choice I would have the IDE highlight all _new_ variables as
I have been playing with emacs adding 'self' to a python friendly hilit19.el
as a reserved word.  Now when I miss spell it it is flagged instantly

I am now catching typos much faster


"Shae Erisson" <shapr at uab.edu> wrote in message
news:39352F52.B5A5B462 at uab.edu...
> Aahz Maruch wrote:
> > <grin>  I've read my Brooks, too.  Thing is, I'd almost agree with you
> > that case sensitivity is an accidental difficulty for *writing* code,
> > but I absolutely disagree that case sensitivity is an accidental
> > difficulty for *reading* code.  Which is the point that I was making
> > about indentation.
> >
> > i tHinK You woULd aGrEe thAt tHiS iS HarDer TO reAd.  But it's not much
> > harder to write....
> I do agree with the writing versus reading, that's why I agreed with (or
> elaborated on, I don't remember) an earlier post and ended up suggesting
> that case be enforced according to certain standards in the output. I
> haven't come up with a good standard, but I think one could be designed.
> I also agree with the idea that an IDE or editor could do case-enforcing
> and allow case-sensitivity to remain. I don't know how hard that would
> be to implement though.
> In summary, case-enforcing seems like it could be a solution, I just
> don't know how it would work :)
> Could anyone suggest a workable case-enforcing policy?
> The only other way I can think of to get around the case problem and not
> get rid of case sensitivity is to have an IDE that's smart enough to
> figure out when a variable or name is being created versus when it's
> being modified and change the highlighting accordingly. That's something
> I would know how to do, and I don't think it would be difficult. My
> reasoning for that solution is that when I get confused about case, it's
> because I am working with a new variable when I thought I was working
> with one I already had. Are there other cases of problems? :)
> how-much-of-the-success-of-VB-is-because-of-its-spiffy-IDE-ly y'rs
> --
> sHae mAtijs eRisson (sHae at wEbwitchEs.coM) gEnius fOr hIre
>    bRing mE fIve sQuirrels aNd nO oNe wIll gEt hUrt

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