Stackless/microthreads merge news

Brent Fulgham brent.fulgham at
Tue May 9 13:49:20 EDT 2000

> Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
> ...
> > Also; the hype that's used here is all about the "enterprise"
> > (whatever that is) and how Java is basically the new COBOL.
> > Continuations are a LISPish feature, and won't be 
> > appreciated, as far as I can tell, by the ex-COBOL community
> > now coming into Java.
> This argument has hit me right between the eyes.
> I may be changing targets again, not so sure,
> but see Jeff Senn's post and my reply.
> Rebuilding Python as a very tiny, scalable engine
> for microcontrollers could be what we need, soon.

Don't cut off your nose to spite your face!

I'm sure the Kaffe people would fall over themselves with
glee to get your stackless code into Kaffe.  It would provide
both a performance benefit and the ability to include new

Let the COBOLers complain -- LISP is here to stay! :-)


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