Triple quote problem in Pythonwin

dej 00000475ATno-idDOTCOM
Mon May 29 22:12:20 EDT 2000

On 29 May 2000 21:39:59 -0400, Alex <cut_me_out at> wrote:

>Hmm, in both of the examples you gave, you only had one triple quote.
>Probably your problem is that you need to finish the string with a
>secondf triple quote.  Eg
>s = ''''''
>"""Here is a very long string that can
>if we wish span several..."""

Thank you for the quick response. However, I receive the error message
long before I have a chance to enter the closing set of triple quotes.
If I type in the example above I get the error message as soon as I
hit return after the first line.


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