
Hamish Lawson hamish_lawson at yahoo.co.uk
Sat May 20 17:22:41 EDT 2000

I wrote:

> I propose that there should be a command-line switch to revert
> to case sensivity [or instead] have a switch to make it
> case-insensitive

Moshe wrote:

> you don't want this switch. What if you download a module? Is
> it meant for case-sensitivity or case-insensitivity?

The issue is essentially about enforcing a naming rule that
disallows names that differ only in case. My idea would be that
namespaces would still be fundamentally case-sensitive, but you
could have the interpreter additionally enforce the above naming
rule. Whether or not this enforcement is the default behaviour,
it can always be turned off. It would be similar to the -t and -
tt options for checking the mixing of spaces and tabs. If your
preference is to have this naming rule, then for third-party
modules that don't conform (standard ones presumably would), you
have the choice of not enforcing your rule or else not using the
module. A module might not meet your other naming rules - e.g.
it might define the name 'spam' ;-). Under my proposal you'd
just be getting the optional ability of having the interpreter
enforce a naming rule for you.

Hamish Lawson

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