Advice on giving a python course

Jeffrey P. Sandys sandysj at
Tue May 2 14:51:27 EDT 2000

"Richard P. Muller" wrote:
> I will be giving a short course on Python to my research group
> (computational chemistry and materials science). I would like to raise
> the average level of programming ability in our group, so that more
> people can take on the "hard" programming projects that until now have
> only been undertaken by a few of the better programmers.
> I had anticipated having 5-6 people show up in the group, but was
> overwhelmed with 20 people responding, which is both exciting and
> intimidating.

I think you will find python gaining popularity especially in the group 
you are trying to reach.

> Since I'm sure other people on this list have taught similar courses, I
> was wondering if I could get some helpful suggestions, and/or feedback
> on the way I've structured the course.

I was a student in Harry George's (see other reply) class and it went 
very well.

> The web page for the course is at:
> The slides for the first lecture are at:
> I wanted to give the students as much instant gratification as possible,
> which is why I introduced the Gnuplot module and NumPy in the first and
> second modules, respectively.

Python is good at instant gratification and think you have the right 

> Any help, suggestions, criticism, or pity will be gratefully received.

Your slides are very nice looking, a good introduction.

On some of the slides you use the back-quote, (probably a PowerPoint 
formatting feature), to start a string, as in:

	myotherstring = `this is also a string'

This input will cause an error.  And it is hard to tell PowerPoint 
that what you really meant is:

	myotherstring = 'this is also a string'

> Rick
> rpm at

Jeff Sandys
sandysj at

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