Tk button enable/disable?

Kevin Cazabon kcazabon at
Tue May 2 03:10:24 EDT 2000

Well, using normal Tk buttons (through Tkinter), you would call the

whateverTheButtonNameIs.config(state = Normal)

I don't use Pmw very much, but you'd have to know if the Button instance is
"self.newButton", or maybe a subvalue of self.newButton (like
self.newButton.button or whatever).


"Albert Wagner" <alwagner at> wrote in message
news:390E4F93.3ADF2ECD at
> I want to enable and disable buttons in Tk.  I tried the following code
> but it only partially works:
>         # Add a button box to the Open page
>         self.openBBx = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.pad1,
>             labelpos = 'w',
>             frame_borderwidth = 2,
>             frame_relief = 'groove',
>             orient = 'vertical')
>         self.openBBx.pack(side='right', padx=3)
>         #add buttons to box
>         self.newButton = self.openBBx.add('New',
>             command=self.newDBrequest)
>         self.openButton = self.openBBx.add('Open',
>             command=self.openDBrequest,
>             state='disabled')
>         self.closeButton = self.openBBx.add('Close',
>             command=self.closeDBrequest,
>             state='disabled')
>         self.deleteButton = self.openBBx.add('Delete',
>             command = self.deleteDBrequest,
>             state='disabled')
> Then later when conditions dictate:
>             self.openButton.state = 'normal'
>             self.closeButton.state = 'normal'
>             self.deleteButton.state = 'normal'
>             self.openButton.update()
>             self.closeButton.update()
>             self.deleteButton.update()
> They are initially disabled OK, but I cannot figure out how to later
> enable them.  Any help greatly appreciated.
> --
> Small is Beautiful

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