[ANNOUNCE] Ransacker extendable search engine

Andreas Jung ajung at sz-sb.de
Tue May 2 01:17:46 EDT 2000

On Mon, May 01, 2000 at 10:59:13PM -0400, Michal Wallace (sabren) wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Announcing RANSACKER
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ransacker is a scriptable, incrementally-double-indexed search engine
> written in python.
> It's *scriptable* in that you can index any text with any key. This
> makes it easy to index content ("pages") stored in databases, file
> systems, the web, etc.
> It can index *incrementally*. This means you can add content or update
> the entry for a particular page without touching the rest of the
> index.
> It's *double-indexed*, meaning that not only does every word have a
> list of pages, every page has a list of words. This is used for the
> incremental indexer, but also allows you to determine which pages have
> the most in common. This will allow ransacker to produce "what's
> related" pages.
> Currently, ransacker ranks pages by number of times keywords
> appear. It does *not yet* support boolean queries, fuzzy matches, or
> other advanced searching features.

Did you make any benchmarks ? Can it handle 1GB data and more ? :-)


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