PyOpengl... gone forever?

Arthur Siegel ajs at
Sat May 20 13:25:16 EDT 2000

Pete -

What exactly are you looking for.  Windows self.executing install?

Let me know and I should be able to help you out.

>i'm sure it is frustrating to many people,
>but for the new developer it makes things uncomfortable too!

It should.  I put alot of energy into putting together something
with PyOpenGL - which is scrap code without it.

In fairness to David Ascher, he has been pleading for someone to take over
the maintenance.  I'm not a C externsion guy and do
not have a site (had applied for one on Starship as it happens -
but that's another story). But would be willing to participate
in an effort to keep PyOpenGL alive.

Personally I consider PyOpenGL an important piece of Pythonica.

There seems to be alternatives developing - I believe wxPython
and th PyFLTk have or will have OpenGL canvases.  But I'm
not sure its fully there yet in either case, and even so that's along way to
go for those of us already comfortable with Tkinter.

Ideas anyone?

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