
Syver Enstad syver.enstad at
Sat Nov 11 12:23:52 EST 2000

"Alex Martelli" <aleaxit at> wrote in message
news:8ujqao029t5 at
> gbreed's alternative suggestion was:
> > > import pywintypes, time
> > > comtime = pywintypes.Time(time.time())

What you're trying to say is that the constructor of Time, converts from
time.time() format to a PyTime object, and you use float on the PyTime to
get the variant_date or whatever the COM date type is called. Right?.

But there is still no function to convert from comtime to ctime format is

An interesting bug by the way:
>>> import pywintypes, time
>>> ctime = time.time()
>>> comtime = pywintypes.Time(ctime)

I'll think I'll stick to the time module or I'll have to go to work tomorrow
>>> time.ctime(ctime)
'Sat Nov 11 17:59:33 2000'
>>> comtime.Format('%#c')
'Sunday, November 11, 2000 17:59:33'

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