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softwareuwantdotcom at my-deja.com softwareuwantdotcom at my-deja.com
Thu Nov 16 23:01:15 EST 2000

We have a web site that is just starting out to help on programming
requests, where users are looking for specific programming needs or
specific programs and off the shelf applications are not an option.

In the future go to http://www.softwareuwant.com or
http://www.codeuwant.com and complete the form to list your request

Why beat around for days, when you can buy the program or code you
want. Besides, don't you just hate getting flamed for asking pro's to
do your homework for you :)

We are starting to generate more and more activity as the development
community learns more about this site and this business model.


Kentfitz at softwareuwant.com

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Before you buy.

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