Need to add to ord and convert to chr

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Sun Nov 5 18:22:51 EST 2000

<mchitti at> wrote in message news:8u4gn9$pe5$1 at
> Trying to teach myself python, would appreciate any help.
> I have a long string of letters (a caesar cipher) which I chop up,
> convert to ord values and stick into a list.  I need to be able to add
> an arbitrary interger to the ord values and then convert back to char.
> This should allow me to brute force the cipher if my logic is good.

> position = 0
> message =
> 'qfoukwucpujlukfdsjfdoujoswubepswsbipnqnjqfouksdlnepsaipuoujosdqfzwuobsq
> ubqsjfdnbbukobsqfkfhjubskhflskcfjwnkofkwuyshsbnudbsbpomswshsksblfkyshfds
> wfkwuwubtndhsdfofdksdejuuducneskpofjhslsosjcukngujfujsdopsljfgpdsbukxlpq
> fipukpopchnjopsdwfbskukljubbskobsqsdjuyfduksbsepsejnkopsdwfbfkujsbukkpud
> sdqujfdnoskwusbmubnqfoukwucpujlukfdsjfdoujoswubepswsbipnqnj'
> loop = len(message)
> while loop:
>         decode = map(ord,message[position]), #, wrong; use of map wrong
>         print decode
>         position = position + 1
>         loop = loop - 1

map applies a function to all items of a list, not to one item extracted
therefrom.  IE, it has implicit loop builtin.  Start with

ords = map(ord, message)

import string
def trydelta(i): return string.join(map( lambda x: chr(x+i), ords))

will something like what you want for one possible shift

Terry J. Reedy

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