change a string in text file then write it

Carel Fellinger cfelling at
Mon Nov 6 12:10:49 EST 2000

Alex Martelli <aleaxit at> wrote:
> for line in fileinput.input("thefile.txt", inplace=1):
>     if, line):
>         line = string.replace(line,'foo','bar')
>     print line

Ah, this must be one of Alex favorite typos, omitting a trailing ',' :)

You see, the last line should actually read:
     print line,    #note the trailing ","

the lines you get from "fileinput.input('thefile.txt', inplace=1)" have
a trailing end-of-line symbol embedded if it was there in the input file.
The print statement adds a trailing end-of-line symbol regardless of
whether the string to write ended with one, *unless* you end the print
statement with a comma, then this adding is omitted.

groetjes, carel

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