Python mailing list/usenet bridge.

David Porter jcm at
Mon Nov 27 06:17:24 EST 2000

* Simon B. <sbrunning at>:
> The Python mailing list/usenet bridge seems to be down at the moment,
> and has been since last Wednesday. Any have any idea who to contact in
> order to get this sorted?


Python-list list run by Sjoerd.Mullender at, barry at

> Currently, my only usable access to the list is via email. My company's
> ISP doesn't provide usenet any more 

Same with my ISP. Well, they provide usenet, it just never works.

> BTW, please reply to me directly - I know that it's usually bad form to
> ask, but in this case not being able to get at the forum is the whole
> problem!

This should reach you, because your mail reached me ;-)


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