XBase for Python?

jerry_spicklemire at my-deja.com jerry_spicklemire at my-deja.com
Tue Nov 7 10:20:24 EST 2000

  Jim Sabatke wrote:

> Is there a package that will read/write XBase, or similar, files?  I
> don't want to use a full featured RDBMS for simple programs.

Digital Creations (www.digicool.com, the Zope folks) had a package
called Tabula that used .dbf format. I'm not sure of the current
status. At one point in the very early days of the Zope project (> 18
months back) Tabula was a "for pay" option. Haven't heard
much about it lately.

Good luck with your .dbf files!
Jerry S.

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