Howto: Post data to HTTPS server

Andrew Markebo andrew.markebo at
Sun Nov 12 15:34:38 EST 2000

*HMM* theoretically I did SSL-support (for my own socket/http-modules)
 for 1.6 of python, I think I found a ssl-module that could be used
 with version 1.6, but I didn't pull everything together, to test it

But I have it working with Python 2.0 for Windows Nt4 and 2000, don't
think it will be any problems with win9x. I had to do one or two extra
touches to configuration though, can't exactly recall what it was.

Give it a try, compile OpenSSL and try to build your own Python 2.0
with SSL-support. 

Search this group for posts by me, I think I posted what I did

If you get into trouble, mail me. 

An alternative could be to use the PyCOM interface to ask Internet
Explorer to do it for you :-)


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