jpython: java.util.Enumeration & coersion (cast)?

Brian Zhou brian_zhouNOSPAM at
Fri Nov 3 00:51:03 EST 2000

Never mind. No need to cast (too used to strong typing).
The error was caused by a class mismatch.


"Brian Zhou" <brian_zhouNOSPAM at> wrote in message
news:tUlM5.77$%73.385077 at
> Hi,
> I want to iterate thru a java 1.1 collection:
> e = collection.elements()
> while e.hasMoreElements():
>     elem = e.nextElement()
> here elem (org.python.core.PyNone) needs to be cast as SubClass instance.
> How do I do that? I've tried
>     elem = SubClass(e.nextElement())
> but got error message:
>     TypeError: pkg.SubClass(): 1st arg can't be coerced to short
> Thanks in advance,
> -Brian

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