How can I get a list of all public symbols in Python librararies

Thomas A. Bryan tbryan at
Wed Nov 1 06:34:11 EST 2000

Alain Desilets wrote:
> Erno Kuusela wrote:
> >  | In order to build support for dictation of Python code, I need a list of
> >  | all the symbols (functions, methods, classes, variables) defined in the
> >  | standard Python libraries.
> > [...]
> >  | Any suggestions on what would be the easiest way to get such a list?
> >
> > one definition of what's public is what's documented - so you
> > could extract the symbols from the docs. the doc sources (tex)
> > would be quite easy to scan for these.
> Thanks for that hint. Is there a specification of the tex format somewhere as
> it is used by Python for documentation?

I think the .tex sources in addition to some LaTeX styles are 
included with the docs download.

For exmample, I have a Doc/README file on my machine that says, among other 

The following are the Latex source files:

        tut.tex                         The tutorial
        lib.tex, lib*.tex               The library reference
        ext.tex                         How to extend Python
        api.tex                         Reference for the Python/C API

All use the style option file "myformat.sty".  This contains some
macro definitions and sets some style parameters.

You need the makeindex utility to produce the index for lib.tex.

There's a Makefile to call Latex and the other utilities in the right
order and the right number of times.  This will produce DVI files for
each document made; to preview them, use xdvi.  PostScript is produced
by the same Makefile target that produces the DVI files.  This uses


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