Escape sequence "\xhh.." not yet implemented??

Tim Peters tim_one at
Tue Nov 14 20:44:52 EST 2000

[June Kim. about \x escapes]


for a full account; this PEP was implemented late in the 2.0 release cycle;
all the docs may not have caught up.

> ...
> However, to my disappointment, the current Python 2.0 final doesn't work
> that way; it takes only two letters after \x just like old Python did.
> >>> '\xA0A0'
> '\240A0'

I don't know what you mean by "old Python".  Python releases prior to 2.0
consumed any number of hex digits after \x, but silently ignored all but the
last two digits; for the example above, they displayed


> ...
> ps. btw, I don't understand the last bit in the parentheses.

It meant that all but the last two hex digits were silently ignored.  This
is no longer true, though (as of 2.0).

glad-there's-a-pep-ly y'rs  - tim

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