P*rl in Latin, whither Python?

Steve Lamb grey at despair.rpglink.com
Mon Nov 13 23:41:08 EST 2000

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 04:11:13 GMT, Steve Williams <sandj.williams at gte.net> wrote:
>Andrew Kuchling wrote:

>> With me it's which/that; no one has ever explained the precise rules
>> between them, yet I'm always  .  "Python, that has been developed since
>> 1989, is a ..."  vs. "Python, which has been...".

>To paraphrase Rudolph Fleisch:  "Removing 'which' and 'that' will improve any
>English sentence."

>Python, under development since 1989, is a . . .

Luke: Uncle Owen.  What about one?

    Well, almost any English sentence.  :)

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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