locks in threads

Rodrigo Senra rodsenra at correionet.com.br
Sat Nov 4 23:55:37 EST 2000

Aahz Maruch wrote:
> I believe you're wrong.  Consider the following trivial example:
> class Foo:
>   def set (self, x, y):
>     self.x = x
>     self.y = y
>   def get (self):
>     return (x, y)

Just checking, but did you mean return(self.x,self.y) instead ?

Rodrigo Senra         
Computer Engineer   (GPr Sistemas Ltda)  rodsenra at correionet.com.br 
MSc Student of Reflection (IC- UNICAMP) Rodrigo.Senra at ic.unicamp.br
http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~921234 (see also   http://www.gpr.com.br)

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