CPython vs. Jython/JPython

Timothy O'Malley timo at alum.mit.edu
Thu Nov 2 16:26:52 EST 2000


I admit I haven't been following this discussion closely.  Is there
someplace I can go to find a summary of the current state of affairs?

Guido van Rossum <guido at beopen.com> wrote:
> Of course, the fact that there are two different implementations means
> that an app that requires the use of both a library written in C/C++
> and one written in Java is out of luck.  Fortunately, most of the
> standard extensions (e.g. regular expressions) are available in both
> CPython and JPython.

Does this mean Python will (officially) permit libraries that only
exist for one platform?

If yes, does this mean that I can dare hope for Stackless to be
included in CPython?  Perhaps, Stackless is not a "library", and
therefore does not count?

[In truth, I really want uthreads.  I'm not so interested in Stackless
by itself.  Sorry, Christian. :-) ]


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