Public Domain Python

Courageous jkraska1 at
Wed Oct 25 00:09:59 EDT 2000

> Safe from what, though?  The copyright holder can change a license any time
> they feel like it, and the GPL has no magical power to prevent that. 

I disagree; once you have granted someone the right to create a derived
work, and that derived work exists, you have no legal ability to withdraw
their ability to continue to own/sell their derived work.

I'm not an attorney, but I do believe that this is correct.

> Sorry, but so long as CNRI remained the primary copyright holder, *nothing*
> about Python's licensing status would be different today.  They could still
> put a new license on 1.6, and there's nothing anyone could do to stop that.

Sure, but anyone who has valid derived works cannot be curtailed by
CNRI in any way.

> It's not the license that makes the rules, it's the copyright holder:  a
> license merely tells you how they felt about sharing their rights in the
> past; it can't stop them from changing their mind later.

So break away with your older copies and give them a hearty "FUCK YOU."



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