CPython vs. Jython/JPython

entropia entropiamax at jazzfree.com
Mon Oct 30 04:36:02 EST 2000

Jython exists only as a RAD for Java. CPython is a RAD (and more) for C a C++. Jython is slower than CPython and not more portable. The only adventatge of Jython is that you can do fast prototipe of Java applications. When the work is done you can compile the python source to java bytecode. Stackless is a great idea but it's incompatible with Jython.  Java is more known than Python. If people work with Java then they can be interested in Jython, and then they can known something about Python.

D-Man escribió:

> Hi.
> This isn't to start a flame war, but to clarify some confusion I have.
> I am wondering why there are two separate python interpreters being developed (the one in C, the other in Java).  Wouldn't it be more productive if both teams worked together on one interpreter?  Another thought I had was that it would be easier to make python cross-platform if it was written in Java and let the Java developers worry about the C-level platform dependencies.  Isn't it also possible to write Java extensions in C?  (read: ... python extensions in C (using the Java interpreter))
> I thank all in advance for your insight into this matter.
> -D
> --
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