Code obfuscation / decompilers? (fwd)

Michal Wallace sabren at
Sat Oct 7 01:37:03 EDT 2000

On Sat, 7 Oct 2000, Joshua Muskovitz wrote:

> As I said in my original post, "the algorithm originates in older code
> written in C."  I had meant that phrase to imply the issue of my installed
> base, but clearly it was too subtle.  Next time, I'll be more verbose.


decompyle lives at

I know you've already ported the code for your thing to python..  But
if you're worried about the bytecode, maybe you ought to consider just
wrapping your old C module as extension module.

It's not hard. Just download the python sources so you have all the .h
files, and read the docs for extending and embedding.. I was able to
write an extenion module in C without really knowing anything about C,
so if you already are used to C, it should be a snap.


- Michal

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