do telnet-clients not connect() ?

Alexander K ak42 at
Mon Oct 2 03:53:37 EDT 2000

Peter Hansen wrote:
> What hostname and port?

my hostname:) no, not
and it was a port above 1024.
as i said it seemed to open and listen just fine.

however it seems my python is breaking down.
i am not sure.
i cant open up functioning sockets with python anymore, i
think:( dunno where the prob is.

> root, AFAIK.  Also, have you tried '' or 'localhost' for the
> hostname, which should always work when on the same machine you try to
> telnet to that address.

tried now. didnt work.

> It doesn't take host:port on my machine (FreeBSD 2.2.8),
> but "telnet host port".

same here, and yepp i did.

> Doing the above (after "from socket import *") works on
> my machine provided I use appropriate hostname and port settings...

ok, so i figure it should work.

... ~~~:[ com dot altavista at ak42 ]:~~~ ...

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