list sort question

Erik Max Francis max at
Fri Oct 6 22:59:00 EDT 2000

Bill Tolbert wrote:

> I was asked today to sort a list of names and email addresses by last
> name. I ended up with a list of tuples:
> [('Bill Tolbert', 'bill_tolbert at'), ...]
> I couldn't figure out the list.sort(somefunction) syntax and resorted
> to
> all sorts of slicing before I gave up and solved it in a query
> (outside
> of Python).

The function passed to sort takes two arguments, and must return -1, 0,
or 1 if the first is less than, equal to, or greater than the second

To get the last name of one of your tuples, you'd want something like

    import string

    tuple = ('Bill Tolbert', 'bill_tolbert at')
    string.split(tuple[0])[-1] # take the first element, 
                               # split it into words, 
                               # take the last word

So to sort the list you could do something like:

    list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(string.split(x[0])[-1],  

Now this would be pretty unwieldy on anything but tiny lists.  If you
are expecting to have even relatively sizeable lists, you'd probably
want to choose another data structure (another poster suggested a
dictionary whose keys are the last name and whose values are the

 Erik Max Francis / max at /
 __ San Jose, CA, US / 37 20 N 121 53 W / ICQ16063900 / &tSftDotIotE
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