Shall we declare Tkinter dead? No-one seems interested in it ;o)

Cameron Laird claird at
Mon Oct 30 10:24:28 EST 2000

In article <mailman.972895174.21101.python-list at>,
Mike Fletcher  <mfletch at> wrote:
>version for the curious.  It doesn't provide for nested mainloops, and it
>may be a little too aggressive during shutdown (I was getting memory access
>errors if I didn't call destroy on the widget when another micro-thread
>called exit (instead of it being called as a callback)), but it does seem to
>work (at least, with this trivial example).  I did both the <Destroy> event
"... nested mainloops ..."?!!?  Mike, WHAT
are you doing?

I have a strong instinct that nested mainloops
are a hint that there's pervesity afoot, and
that I'd look for a different architecture.  I
know, though, that you're successful at what
you do, so maybe it'll work for you.
>and the WM_DELETE_WINDOW, if I understand correctly, either would indicate
>that the root window is being destroyed.
Sort of.  Readers with further interest in this
topic might want to notice, for example, 

Cameron Laird <claird at>

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