ANNOUNCE: PySymbolic - Doing Symbolics in Python

Pearu Peterson pearu at
Fri Oct 13 14:16:47 EDT 2000

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Alex Martelli wrote:

> Neither does it run for me, but I least I can easily understand
> why -- the package relies on upper/lower case distinction being
> significant in matching filenames, and this doesn't work well on
> Windows' case-preserving-but-insensitive filesystems.  In other
> words, on Windows, you just can't rely on and
> being distinguishable files, and therefore parser and Parser
> being distinct Python modules, as the current version of Symbolic
> does.
> Pearu, it's a 10-minute editing job, but, if you want, I'll
> zip and send you the edited directory, of course!

No, it is fixed now. Thanks.

> Huaiyu, I know that Pearu was testing with 1.5.2, but, might
> there be some issues with your current installation...?  Have
> you tried it with Release Candidate 1...?  Or maybe you have
> an older version of earlier on sys.path...?

I am also use Python 2.0b2 for tests and with success.


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