Pynche 0.1 fails

Barry A. Warsaw barry at
Wed Oct 18 04:48:56 EDT 2000

>>>>> "AM" == Aahz Maruch <aahz at> writes:

    AM> Based on the traceback, it's a bug in Pynche.  I've never
    AM> heard of Pynche before, so you should get in touch with the
    AM> author.

That'd be me. :)  Pynche is a Tkinter-based color editor I wrote.

>>>>> "MC" == Matìj Cepl <cepl at> writes:

    MC> Probably best to be put into FAQ, but I haven't found
    MC> one. When I try to run pynche on my Linux (RedHat 6.0 CZ;
    MC> pynche version 0.1) I get follwing traceback always.

Pynche 1.0 is distributed with Python 2.0, in Tools/pynche.  I suggest
you download and install Python 2.0 and give the new Pynche a try.  If
you're still having problems, let me know.


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