getting keyboard input 1 char at a time

Peter Hansen peter at
Sun Oct 29 20:09:17 EST 2000

Greg Jorgensen wrote:
> "John R Bedal" <jbedal at>:
> > Is there a platform independant method for getting keyboard input one
> > character at a time?
> c =
> There's an example on page 79 of the book "Python Essential Reference."

It's possible John wanted a method which would return "keystrokes", as
opposed to just whatever was in stdin.  The above, at least on Win32,
only returns characters that have been entered once the ENTER key is
hit.  On win32, he would have to use msvcrt.getch() or something.

I don't think there is a truly platform-independent method, but I'd be
happy to be corrected.

Peter Hansen

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