Code obfuscation / decompilers? (fwd)

Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters mertz at
Mon Oct 9 12:23:31 EDT 2000

"Joshua Muskovitz" <josh at> wrote:
|This has been covered in previous posts.  The algorithm, like it or not, is
|pre-existing.  I have no choice but to use it.  Help me solve my problem,
|don't criticize the constraints I work under.

I know Josh is under constraints and all that.  He inherited the bad
code.  And I suppose "real world" programming is different from theory.

All that said, I know I certainly would not approach this problem by
trying to find some code obfuscation technique (I have been in pretty
much exactly the same situation).  I would tell my employer
straightforwardly that the current algorithm was broken, and it is a
waste of time to try to cover up the problems with obscure code.

The security is worthless with bad algorithms.  If they want to ship
a worthless algorithm, fine.  There is not need to obfuscate it, just
live with worthlessness.  Otherwise, fix it.

The moral to my mind is:  Some problems are not WORTH solving.

Yours, Lulu...

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