pyGTK -- why can't I center a window?

Grant Edwards ge at nowhere.none
Thu Oct 12 16:39:50 EDT 2000

In article <dgkF5.557$FU3.84775 at>, Grant Edwards wrote:

>>	win=GtkDialog()
>>	win.set_position(WIN_POS_CENTER)
>That is what I'm doing, and it doesn't work.  

It is window-manager related.  It works fine running the
default WM in RH6.2's Gnome setup.  Under fvwm2 and twm, it
doesn't work.  I don't think it's anything Python-related, and
I've asked on the gtk-app-devel list...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Look! A ladder! Maybe
                                  at               it leads to heaven, or
                                 a sandwich!

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