Why is "while" ticking me off???

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at gssec.bt.co.uk
Wed Oct 11 06:10:31 EDT 2000

Grant Griffin wrote:
> I used Pythonwin for awhile, and it was very good, 

Have you tried the latest versions of IDLE?
Much improved over the original and I now prefer it to 
Pythonwin(which has also improved of late and hast the 
best debugger, IMHO)

> Also, it looks like you now can only get Pythonwin as 
> part of ActiveState's Python distribution: 

I believe its still part of the winall package, certainly 
was last time I downloaded it. Smaller than the whole 
ActiveState bundle... and nearly essential is using Python 
on win32 anyway - popen, COM support etc

Alan G
This post represents the views of the author 
and does not necessarily accurately represent 
the views of BT.

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