Timezone conversions using Python,

Joe Kislo joe at k12s.phast.umass.edu
Wed Oct 4 16:58:32 EDT 2000

	I have been struggling with Python timezone conversions for some time. 
I cannot find any facilities in python to allow me to convert time from
UTC to a particular timezone taking into account appropriate DST
settings for that timezone.  In essance, I need the
to work with different timezones.  "localtime()" converts to the
timezone which the server is located.  This works great, but what if I
want to convert to the time in San Fransisco time, or arizona time.  My
server is NOt located there, so localtime doesn't return those times..
How can I get this working?  Effectivly get localtime() to function as I
want it?  I tried using the locale module, but it doesn't seem to help.

Any help would be appreciated... CC by email;


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