PythonWin IDE sucks!

Richard Brodie R.Brodie at
Mon Oct 30 13:41:08 EST 2000

"Albert Hopkins" <ahopkins at> wrote in message
news:slrn8vjjiu.517.ahopkins at

> I thought that "!" was used to place emphasis on something.  So by that
> I thought you meant that PythonWin *really* sucks.

Speaking as a another Brit (as I suppose), it seems clear to me that it
wasn't intended seriously. It just doesn't work as an insult for anyone
other than Bart Simpson over here.

> Lightheartedness, I thought, was usually expressed with a smily :-) on the 'Net.

That may have been wiser. Humour is a tricky thing. Some people
can't even get the spelling right ;)

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