Python 2.0 release candidate 1

Uwe Zessin zessin at
Tue Oct 10 12:27:28 EDT 2000

In article <Yn+X+LAuKz45EwsP at>,
  Robin Becker <robin at> wrote:
> In article <mailman.971160928.14868.python-list at>, Jeremy
> Hylton <jeremy at> writes
> >The final release of Python 2.0 will be next week.  We would
> >appreciate feedback on the release candidate in order to fix any
> >remaining bugs before the final release.  Confirmation of build and
> >test success on less common platforms is also helpful.n
> ...
> OK I downloaded the win32 version of Python 2.0 c1 and ran all the
> tests inside reportlab through it. I had to build _imaging.pyd for
> it and so on as well as our own accelerators.
> So far as I can tell everything went well.

It looks fine on OpenVMS, too, although I haven't run detailed tests,
yet. Good work, anyway.

One thing I have noticed is this:
if I run '>>> import test.autotest', all modules stay in memory.
It needs more than 60 MBytes at the end. OK, that is not a problem -
after all: 'VMS' means 'Virtual Memory System' ;-)

I'm curious: is that 'by design'? Why?

Uwe Zessin

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