MS Windows Clipboard

Steve Holden sholden at
Thu Oct 26 21:39:14 EDT 2000

Mark Hammond wrote:
> "Alex Martelli" <aleaxit at> wrote in message
> news:8ta16b01n0d at
> > "Mark Hammond" <MarkH at> wrote in message
> We are discussing a new optional param for the Win32 clipboard
> functions that would specify the type of the returned data.
> I proposed a simple string:
> > > What would this param look like - maybe a simple string
> > > "string", "unicode", "handle", with None or "" == default?
> Alex suggested a type object:
> > Or maybe type(""), type(u""), type(PyHandle)...?
> Your idea sounds more "correct", but also more verbose and less
> "handy"
> OTOH, using the types module makes it better:
>   GetClipboardText(..., types.UnicodeType)
> I would probably use types.IntType for a handle, as we may not be able
> to provide automatic handle cleanup.  I'm afraid I can't recall the
> exact semantics, and haven't the time to look.
> Any votes on this?  Should we go for:
>   GetClipboardText(..., types.UnicodeType)
> or
>   GetClipboardText(..., "unicode")
> ?
> Mark.

The former seems cleaner.  It would also be quicker, though I'm not
usually one to obsess about a few wasted machine cycles.

When I use Tkinter I always shudder to think about all the data that's
being passed as strings when enumerated constants or simple integers
would be better.

Some-things-are-worth-not-inheriting-from-your-predecessor-ly y'rs - steve
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