an example Re: Connecting to running win32com server

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Wed Oct 11 05:45:08 EDT 2000

"Alex Martelli" <aleaxit at> wrote in message
news:8rvqku093a at
> > things to communicate, but it seems that the C++ program always starts
> > a new python process to handle the request, rather than using the
> > already running one.  This won't work for me, as the purpose is to
> > grab data being collected by the already running python script.
> >
> > Is there some way around this, other than tricks like shared memory
> > between the running python process and the win32com server?  The
> > C++ code and the data collection program run on different computers.
> Sure.  The server must register itself with the system as
> REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE (in the CoRegisterClassObject API call),
> so that only one instance of its process will be run (and the
> classobject it registers must return either references to one
> and the same instance [singleton], or, my preference [for
> reasons that may be slightly obscure to explain], instances
> that all share their state [delegating it to a shared singleton
> internal non-com-exposed object in the process]).
> (I thought that's what win32com.server.factory did by
> default... the multi-use part, I mean... are you sure that
> multiple _processes_ are starting, rather than just there
> being multiple instances within the same Python process?)

I checked, and this is indeed so -- local servers created
by Python are indeed registered as multiple-use.

So, your problem is probably related to actually having
multiple instances (within the same Python process!), not,
as it seemed to you, to having multiple processes.

Here's a test you can try.  Go to the win32com/servers
directory and copy, for example, to a file
named in the same directory.  Then,
do the following changes:

add a line
shared_dict = {}
before the definition of class DictionaryPolicy;

change the classes' registration attributes slightly, to:
  _reg_desc_ = 'Python Shared-Dictionary'
  _reg_clsid_ = '{8760aa40-9f4e-11d4-9e41-0060b0eb1d67}'
  _reg_progid_ = 'Python.SharedDictionary'
  _reg_verprogid_ = 'Python.SharedDictionary.1'
  _reg_policy_spec_ = 'win32com.servers.shareddictionary.DictionaryPolicy'

change the very first line of its _CreateInstance method to:
(instead of similarly wrapping a new empty dictionary)

and run the script with /regserver to register it.

Basically, what we're doing here is, let a new COM object
be generated (from the same class-factory, i.e. in the same
process, thanks to the multiple-use registration of the
class-factory object that the Python infrastructure will
do for us) for each request; BUT, let all the COM objects
thus generate SHARE STATE, since they all wrap the same
underlying process-unique Python object (the shared_dict)
rather than each wrapping a separate instance.

You _could_ do it differently (caching and returning the
same COM object every time a create-instance is requested)
but, personally, I prefer this style (there are issues with
COM singletons, and with singletons in general, that are
well finessed by this alternate shared-state-pattern).

Now, in some long-running Python process, e.g. in IDLE, do:

>>> import win32com.client
>>> import pythoncom
>>> sd1["foo"]="Bar"

and from another process, e.g. PythonWin, you can see that
you're getting to the same server process:

>>> sd1
<COMObject Python.SharedDictionary>
>>> sd1.Count
>>> sd1.Item("Foo")

Here's a simple VC++ console application to check the same

#include "stdafx.h"

#undef GetFreeSpace
#import "scrrun.dll" rename("FreeSpace","SpaceFree")

int step = 0;

int work(int argc, char* argv[])
    HRESULT hr;
    CLSID clsid;
    hr = CLSIDFromProgID(L"Python.SharedDictionary", &clsid);
    if(FAILED(hr)) _com_raise_error(hr);
    IClassFactoryPtr pClassFactory;
    hr = CoGetClassObject(clsid,CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,NULL,
    if(FAILED(hr)) _com_raise_error(hr);
    IDispatchPtr pDisp;
    hr = pClassFactory->CreateInstance(NULL,IID_IDispatch,(void**)&pDisp);
    if(FAILED(hr)) _com_raise_error(hr);
    printf("Created OK\n");

    LPOLESTR name = L"Count";
    hr = pDisp->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &name, 1, LOCALE_NEUTRAL, &dispid);
    if(FAILED(hr) || dispid==DISPID_UNKNOWN) _com_raise_error(hr?hr:13);

    VARIANT varResult; VariantInit(&varResult);
    DISPPARAMS dispparamsNoArgs = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0};

    hr = pDisp->Invoke(dispid, IID_NULL, LOCALE_NEUTRAL,
        &dispparamsNoArgs, &varResult, NULL, NULL);
    if(FAILED(hr)) _com_raise_error(hr);
    hr = VariantChangeType(&varResult, &varResult, 0, VT_I4);
    if(FAILED(hr)) _com_raise_error(hr);
    printf("Count is %d\n", varResult.lVal);


    return 0;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int rc = 0;
    try {
        rc = work(argc, argv);
        printf("Terminated OK, rc=%d\n", rc);
    } catch(_com_error& er) {
        const char* ermes = er.ErrorMessage();
        printf("step=%d, COM error (%x): %s\n",
            step, er.Error(), ermes);

 return rc;

Building and running this will also confirm that you're accessing
the same underlying dictionary-object (you can double check by
runs of this with the sd1 "dictionary" in various states, even
though the only thing this shows is the "Count"...).

Let us know...


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