Colorized HTML from Python source

David Porter jcm at
Tue Sep 26 13:21:58 EDT 2000

* insyte at <insyte at>:

> >As an unabashed and incurable Vim bigot, I must point out that Vim lets you
> >define whatever highlighting you want.  Then you can choose Syntax->Convert
> >to HTML to get an HTML version of your file with the same highlighting.
> As an unabashed and incurable Vim bigot, I would be extremely interested
> in the specifics of how to do what you are describing.  I have not used
> syntax highlighting very much...

He is describing how to do it in gvim through menu selection. In normal vim:

:so /usr/share/vim/vim56/syntax/2html.vim

works for me.

Of course, this is very easy in (X)Emacs: M-x htmlize-buffer (this comes with 
XEmacs but needs to installed for GNU Emacs).


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