Bringing window to top in Tkinter

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at
Tue Sep 5 20:45:02 EDT 2000

"Olivier Dagenais" <olivierS.dagenaisP at canadaA.comM> wrote:

> Windows had a function to do this and it now does nothing, because it
> probably makes sense if ONE application does it, but if all/most of the apps
> do it, it gets really annoying to the user, which is why I would recommend
> you don't do it, please and thank you, unless you give the user the option
> to turn it off.

My #1 beef with Windoze is that it lacks a foreground-locking 
capability.  I want to be able to deny ALL apps the ability to
interrupt what I'm doing sometimes.  Of course, X doesn't AFAIK
have this ability either.  I wonder if it's possible to write
a third-party utility to suspend any app that tries to sieze
the foreground...  but really, that's not what I want either.
I want them to keep running in the BACKGROUND, like I had them.

- jonadab

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