Invoking a subclass's method on its superclass's instance

Christian Tanzer tanzer at
Tue Sep 26 02:22:08 EDT 2000

rwklee at wrote:

> I thought a natural and elegant solution is to implement only the default
> behaviour in the reference model of class methods, and then implement each
> behaviour variant as a method of a subclass with the same method name as its
> superclass's.  As the test system starts, only the reference model starts up
> (in some test scenarios that is all that is needed.)  To begin a test, the
> tester will introduce his behaviour variants, and tell the test system to
> switch to them for a selected set of instances.  After the test, he tells the
> system to switch back to the reference behaviour; and then repeat for a
> different test.

I would try something like:

class Reference :
    def behavior (self) :
        # implements reference behavior

def behavior_variant_B (self) :
    # implements some specific behavior variant

from A import Reference
from B import behavior_variant_B

object = Reference ()
# do some tests

object.behavior = behavior_variant_B # switch to behavior variant B
# do some more tests

del object.behavior                  # switch back to reference behavior

You can repeat that with as many behavior variants as necessary. There
is no need for subclasses implementing the variants.

Christian Tanzer                                         tanzer at
Glasauergasse 32                                       Tel: +43 1 876 62 36
A-1130 Vienna, Austria                                 Fax: +43 1 877 66 92

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