Reading List Comprehension?

lobozc at lobozc at
Fri Sep 8 20:29:59 EDT 2000

And many thanks for these details and examples - I wish there were more
of them.

Seems that many people may have initial problems using list
comprehensions effectively and it's such a nice idiom. Would it be
possible to put separate tutorial article 'using list comprehensions in
Python' [or even 'using list-related idioms in Python'!] somewhere on
the Python site?  Seems like the contents of this mail would be a very
good starting point.

For example, it's the first time I see in print that
you can have multiple if qualifiers - one for each for loop
that is:
  [x   for ... if ...  for ... if ...  for ... if ...]
(but I'm only an occasional reader of this group)

The official Python tutorial is rather skimpy on that (understandably).
Python's language reference 2.0 doesn't even have entry index
like 'list comprehensions'!

In article <8p7mml0174q at>,
  "Alex Martelli" <aleaxit at> wrote:
> "Stephen Hansen" <stephen at> wrote in message
> news:20000906.215342.20887 at
> > Whee. Python 2.0. I'm estatic, so go to check out what's changed...
>     [snip]
> > But..list comprehensions.. I can't quite fathom.
> >
> > --> x for subseq in seq for x in subseq
> >
> > Eh?!?! That looks so..wrong. No whitespace, parens, no nothing, with
> If there was no whitespace, that would be
>    xforsubseqinseqforxinsubseq
>  which would indeed be slightly harder to read.  And the whole thing
> must be enclosed in brackets, pretty close to parentheses I'd say.
> > all those keywords mixed in there.
> There are just two keywords in the above, 'for' and 'in' (each
> appears twice); you can also have an 'if' in other comprehensions,
> but that just ups the total to three.
> > I can't pronounce it, or make any
> You can pronounce >> [[yuech:-(]] as "to", and can't pronounce a
> sequence of 8 words...?
> > I don't know -- is there a more in depth, vastly basic, tutorial to
> > what the heck these things are somewhere? It,
> > not-at-all-like-Python.
> Hmmm, let's try; Fiona, if you choose to use this, feel free to
> edit out the Haskell references if you think it appropriate -- I
> believe they help, but I'm aware this is a controversial stance;
> I get much more concrete in the explanation later on:-).
> The semantics is somewhat Haskell-ish (except that Haskell is lazy
> while Python is strict, of course), but the syntax is Pythonish --
> in Haskell, it would be
>     [x | seq <- subseq, x <- seq]
> I suspect the following summary might help even if one knows
> nothing at all about Haskell, since here it is so close to
> what one often writes to define a set in math notation:
>     { x | x element-of someset, x>0 }
> for example (commonly using epsilon for element-of); the only
> differences reflect those between sets and sequences.
> More abstractly, in Haskell the general syntax of list comprehensions
>     [ expression | qualifiers ]
> where qualifiers is a comma-separated list of items each of which is
> one of:
>     "generator":            pattern <- expression
>     "local declaration":    'let' declarations
>     "guard":                expression
> In python 2.0, the general syntax of list comprehensions differs in
> using keywords to denote the role of each qualifier, not providing
> for local declarations, and using no punctuation:
>     [ expression qualifiers ]
> where qualifiers is the justaposed (no punctuation) list of items
> each of which is one of (adopting Haskell's meta-terminology...):
>     "generator"    'for' pattern 'in' sequence
>     "guard"        'if' expression
> [a 'for', as usual in Python, may have a little bit of pattern
> matching, specifically for tuple-unpacking when the sequence
> is a sequence of tuples that are all the same length].  There
> must be one or more generator, and zero or more guards; the
> first qualifier must be a generator, so the comprehension
> always starts with "[ expression for " and goes on from here.
> So the syntax differences are easy to summarize: python uses...:
>     -- no | to separate the "comprehended" expression from the
>         qualifiers list
>     -- no commas to separate the qualifiers from each other
>     -- 'for pattern in sequence' rather than 'pattern<-sequence'
>         for each generator
>     -- 'if expression' rather than just 'expression' for each guard
>     -- no equivalent to 'let'-introduced local declarations
> The semantics of Python list comprehensions are easy to explain
> in terms of pre-existing python constructions: what comes out
> of a list comprehension is what you would get if you wrote, for
> some name 'somename' that's not used anywhere:
>     somename=[]
>     *expansion-of-the-qualifiers*
>         somename.append(expression)
> where the 'expansion' of the qualifiers is what you could
> obtain by placing a ':' after each, followed by a line break
> and appropriate indent.
> For example:
> def expand_a(seq):
>     return [x for subseq in seq for x in subseq]
> yields the same result as:
> def expand_b(seq):
>     somename=[]
>     for subseq in seq:
>         for x in subseq:
>             somename.append(x)
>     return somename
> It's similar if we also have an 'if'; here are
> four equivalent approaches:
> >>> somename=[x+y for x in 'ciao' for y in 'xy' if x>'a']
> >>> somename
> ['cx', 'cy', 'ix', 'iy', 'ox', 'oy']
> >>> somename=[x+y for x in 'ciao' if x>'a' for y in 'xy']
> >>> somename
> ['cx', 'cy', 'ix', 'iy', 'ox', 'oy']
> >>> somename=[]
> >>> for x in 'ciao':
>         for y in 'xy':
>             if x>'a':
>                 somename.append(x+y)
> >>> somename
> ['cx', 'cy', 'ix', 'iy', 'ox', 'oy']
> >>> somename=[]
> >>> for x in 'ciao':
>         if x>'a':
>             for y in 'xy':
>                 somename.append(x+y)
> >>> somename
> ['cx', 'cy', 'ix', 'iy', 'ox', 'oy']
> Python's list-comprehension does not define a scope: any
> variables that are bound in a comprehension's generators
> remain bound (to whatever they were last bound to) when
> the generator is over:
> >>> [x+y for x in 'ciao' for y in '!?']
> ['c!', 'c?', 'i!', 'i?', 'a!', 'a?', 'o!', 'o?']
> >>> print x,y
> o ?
> >>>
> Again, this is _exactly_ the same as if the comprehension
> had been expanded into an explicitly-nested group of one
> or more 'for' statements (and 0 or more 'if' statements).
> Verdict: very handy syntax sugar.  Adds nothing really
> "fundamental", i.e., nothing that Python couldn't do,
> but, since in quite a few places you can only use an
> expression (which a list comprehension is) and not
> statements (which is what you would previously use to
> achieve the same effect as a comprehension), it lets
> you avoid defining ad-hoc functions (with all the
> attendant scoping problems) in several frequent cases
> (defining a function being the only general way to
> make a series of statements into an expression...).
> In practice, to avoid defining ad-hoc functions, one
> would often use map or filter for some things you can
> now do with comprehensions -- and with map or filter,
> one would normally have to use a lambda, which the
> comprehension avoids; this is a simplication _and_
> also makes things appreciably faster.  In fact...:
> def filter(function, list):
>     if function:
>         return [x for x in list if function(x)]
>     else:
>         return [x for x in list if x]
> is almost identical to the builtin 'filter' (except
> the latter returns a tuple if 'list' is a tuple);
> def map1(function, list):
>     return [function(x) for x in list]
> is similar to the special-case of the builtin 'map'
> where function!=None and there is only one list...
> Alex

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