Newbie at pythonwincom, please kick me in the right direction..

Andrew Markebo andrew.markebo at
Fri Sep 29 16:51:45 EDT 2000

I stumbled over the "Win32 Oddisey", describing how to use
internetexplorer com-control to download pages.. Perrfect!!!

Now there are only one question.. 

Any good 'Win32 COM for pythin programmers' book out there??

Meanwhile.. basically what I do is:

from win32com.client import Dispatch

So.. how do I know when the document is finished?? There seems to be a
callback or something in the InternetExplorer.Application, to signal
when done, but how do I use it..

Or.. ahh well... might just drop back to my own hacked
pagefetchers.. but they feel a bit.. messy after adding proxy, cookies
and https-support :-)


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