raw_input weirdness -- shell's fault?

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Tue Sep 19 07:43:20 EDT 2000

matt at mondoinfo.com (Matthew Dixon Cowles) wrote:

> >That is, the prompts weren't printed until the script
> >exited.
> It seems that Python isn't flushing its output buffer, presumably
> because it doesn't know that it's running interactively. I don't know
> enough about NT to know why that might be 

No need to know about NT; I'm not using NT.  (NTEmacs is
*built* on NT, but one can run it on plain ol' Doze '95.)

> but running Python as
> python -u

[Tries this...]

Yes, that works.  I'll set up an eshell alias to turn 'python' 
into 'python -u'.  [Does so.  Adds in $* so that a script can
actually be called.]  Thanks.

- jonadab

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