Civility in the Marketplace of Ideas [was: Public Domain Python]

Steve Holden sholden at
Wed Sep 20 16:14:12 EDT 2000

Pat McCann, using bogus email addresses, wrote:
[bemoaning the frequent lack of civility in celebrities]
> Of course, this shouldn't be taken as a defense of everything said in
> public forums which allow a measure of anonymity where behavior is free
> to sink far below even Stallman's low level of civility.

I clearly don't know Stallman, but he seems from his public pronouncements
quite a thoughtful type, and there usually seems to be logical justification
for whatever positions he may publicly profess.  Perhaps you've suffered at
his hands (or rather, vocal chords) and I haven't?

Or is the above just the kind of personal vilification that "celebrities"
learn to expect and ignore, not having the time to defend themselves?

It's not that I feel your comments *have* to be justified, particularly
since bandwidth on a group like this is precious, but I'm not aware that
Stallman, while possibly lacking in interpersonal skills (and he's not
alone in that one, matey, as most of my friends could affirm) is uncivil.

You, of course, may know better.

Stallman does, at least, publish his email address so those who take issue
with him can do so in person!

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