GC and finalizers [was: No destructor]

Martin von Loewis loewis at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Tue Sep 5 11:57:05 EDT 2000

Paul Duffin <pduffin at hursley.ibm.com> writes:

> So how are these "unbreakable" cycles supposed to be prevented, the only
> way that I can see is to remove finalizers from classes which may find
> themselves in a cycle. The trouble with this is that the finalizers are
> there for a purpose and it may not be possible to remove them. 
> What can be done in this situation to prevent "unbreakable" cycles ?

It is always possible to re-organize a program so it won't have
instances that both have a finalizer and participate in a cycle.

To participate in a cycle, an instance attribute must point to the
next object in the cycle. Suppose we have a class A

class A:
  def __init__(self,cyclic,resource):
    self.cyclic = cyclic
    self.resource = resource

  def __del__(self):

where the cyclic attribute may be part of a cycle. That can be changed to

class ResourceHolder:
  def __init__(self,resource):
    self.resource = resource

  def __del__(self):

class A:
  def __init__(self,cyclic,resource):
    self.cyclic = cyclic
    self.resource = ResourceHolder(resource)

So if A instances get into the cycle, then gc would collect them,
i.e. clear their __dict__. As a result, the ref count on self.resource
would drop to zero, and __del__ of the ResourceHolder would be invoked
(as another result, it would als decref self.cyclic, which results in
releasing the memory occupied by the cycle).


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