Update: same result for md5. Now what?

Moshe Zadka moshez at math.huji.ac.il
Sat Sep 16 01:51:05 EDT 2000

[Tim Peters, about text files vs. binary files]
> Curiously, the Windows behavior is perfectly fine
> according to the C standard, and is indeed one of many reasons the std
> distinguishes between text and binary modes despite that Unixoids believe
> they're the same.
> Whether it's proper for Python to continue following C's madness here in P3K
> would be a darned good question, and one I may have already taken a stand on
> as I see my fingers called it "madness" while I wasn't looking <wink>.

If you do that, Python will not only lose the ability to run on important
(ahem) operating systems like VMS, which use the allowances in the C std
to make /proper/ text files, complete with filesystem-level version 
control. Not to speak of the OS designs I constantly dream up with my

a-new-os-every-weekend-ly y'rs, Z.

Moshe Zadka <moshez at math.huji.ac.il>
There is no IGLU cabal.

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