Wholly unnecessary flame. (was Re: pyXML!)

David root at
Thu Sep 28 12:57:43 EDT 2000

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 22:22:39 -0400, "Tim Peters" <tim_one at email.msn.com>
>> 'zactly.  I was talking about the XML-SIG code, which doesn't/didn't.
>The Windows installer for Python 2.0b2 includes xmltok.dll and xmlparse.dll,
>which is all the 2.0b2 XML code needs.  The precompiled DLLs have always
>been available, too, from
>    ftp://ftp.jclark.com/pub/xml/expat.zip
>Indeed, that's where I got them from when I built the 2.0b2 Windows
>installer -- I don't want to have to compile any more than I need to either
><0.5 wink>.
>still-searching-for-a-legit-complaint-ly y'rs  - tim

The legit complaint was made before b2 was released, tim.  And the XML in
b2 doesn't nearly match the XML-SIG documentation, though the "what's new"
documentation sort of indicates that the XML package is related to XML-SIG.
wondering-why-you're-strawmanning-ly yr's...
(it wasn't about precompiled Pythonlab releases, it wasn't about beta 2...
so why do you keep going there?)

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